Robby or Robbie Anderson?

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Tex Hollywood - July 29, 2022

In one of the more hilarious headlines I've seen today. The Carolina Panthers wide receiver Robby Anderson has decided to change his name to Robbie.

The news spread like wildfire amongst the Panther fans and NHL fans alike, because everyone the story reached said "who fucking cares?!".

In this world of pronouns, genders, people demanding to be identified as all things you can imagine. I'm a toilet bowl, you're a tomato and together we need bathrooms at Walmart that cater to us, changing your name is pretty tame.

It is also totally unnecessary, creating burdens on all the people who have wrongfully called him Robby, with a Y, not Robbie with an IE, all these years, which for the record is basically the same damn name!

Is it narcissism, making news around yourself to go viral? Is it just a great troll? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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