Alica Schmidt is in the Gym!

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Tex Hollywood - January 14, 2025

Alica Schmidt was not just marketed as the world's sexiest athlete, she is the world's sexiest athlete.

Who are we to fight with scientific research that has determined this title for the track and field star. The fact checkers that Zuckerberg just fired would approve of this statement, whether you think beauty is in the eye of the beholder or not. It's not up to you!

The runner turned model and influencer which allowed her to afford to continue running right into the Olympics, is clearly going for another round over the next 4 years, because it is her passion, her identity and what she does.

She is in the gym training, because that's what you do when you're an athlete and when you're the World's Sexiest Athlete according to FACTS, watching her in the gym is what we do.

Toxic masculinity, creepers in the gym that inspire women to join sexist all-female gyms, sure. We'll take it, but this is the internet and she monetizes our views! So if anything, our creeping is actually our contribution as her business partners.

Alica added some pictures from a training session a few minutes ago and it would be irresponsible if we didn't upload them to this post in the gallery:

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