Charley Hull Shares Her Workout!

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Tex Hollywood - June 6, 2024

Charley Hull is a 28 year old English golfer who is apparently ranked number 9 in the world.

She seems to be taking a page out of PAIGE's book, where she adds a little heat to her content to support her golfing.

It's no shameless, or sensational, but rather just some standard fitness content which makes sense since she is a professional athlete and this is just the outfits that fitness people wear. Lucky for us.

She shared her workout on the instagram, which is:

0-2 mins 350m (take the first 2 mins for this)
2-3 min 18 wall balls 5/6kg
3-4 min. 16 db snatch 8kg (8 each side)
5-6 min 75 skips
6-7 min 15 box jumps
7-8 min 40 sec plank hold
8-10 rest

So if you want a Charley Hull body, you wouldn't be the only one and you can also workout like her at home.

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