Deshaun Watson’s Girl is a Snow Bunny!

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Tex Hollywood - January 29, 2025

Deshaun Watson gets a lot of hate, at least from Browns fans who feel like they've been ripped off by him.

He probably gets a lot of hate from the inappropriate massages he got in trouble for, but then again everyone involved was probably paid off handsomely and would probably be willing to do it again for that quick buck.

He doesn't get a lot of hate from his woman Jilly Anais, yes Anais....who seems to milk his bad behavior by taking it to the bank and getting herself all the designer gear she needs.

She is an influencer on social media, produces lifestyle content and cookbooks, so she's not a straight up do nothing kind of lady, but having that NFL QB bankroll makes life a little easier.

Watson is the lowest ranked QB in the league and is only still playing for the Browns because of a crappy contract.

He was guaranteed 230 million dollar by the team, so they will pay him, even if they decide to drop him and they'll probably decide to drop him, because he's out there busy taking instagram pictures of his girl in her Chanel.

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