Jack Nicklaus Isn’t Talking Politics at the Masters

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SJ - November 14, 2020

Golfing legend Jack Nicklaus endorsed President Trump prior to the election on social media.  He released a statement at the time that explained why he decided to support Trump's reelection efforts.

At the Masters this week Nicklaus was asked if he had any advice for Trump on dealing with losing.  As we all know the President is refusing to concede and is fighting the election results in court.

Nicklaus wasn't having any of the political talk at the Masters, from Yahoo Sports:

“I think I’ve said enough about that,” Nicklaus replied. “I don’t think this is a place for politics.”

That's one way to avoid answering a question.  I don't disagree, but it's still the easy way out of having to answer a question you don't like.

I don't know if he's one of the Trump supporters who believes the election was rigged, but it's fun to imagine him going down a voter fraud rabbit hole online.

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