Livvy Dunne Drops a TikTok Ban Joke!

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Tex Hollywood - January 16, 2025

Livvy Dunne established herself as the high paid, viral, MLB WAG and Sports Illustrated Swim model during COVID thanks to TiKTok.

She was one of the many people who paved their future when they had a highly engaged audience of people locked in their houses for 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

She has managed to maintain that celebrity and bring it to other platforms, like Instagram, but without TikTok, the world of College Gymnastics would be a different place.

It is debatable whether TikTok will be shut down, many people are fighting to get their hands on it and Trump seems to support TikTok.

However as it stands today, they are shutting down.

Livvy's short form comedic content involved her getting her LSU Diploma days before the ban.

She'll be taking her social media prowess to Linkedin.

However, we all know she's not going to be doing any of that because she's still got her Instagram and her exclusive content platform, she's got an MLB star boyfriend, and now got a college degree when she does it.

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