Power Slap Athlete Sheena Bathory Loves her BBL !

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Tex Hollywood - June 7, 2024

Sheena Bathory is a Power Slap Athlete competing out of Boca Raton, but is Hungarian.

She is 32 years old, 5 foot 5, has an 18 cm hand width, has 2 wins, 2 knockouts, strikes with her right hand, has a peak velocity of 11.5 mps in her slap, her average neck force is 260.75, her human force is 41,149....I don't know what these stats mean but when you're betting on chicks slapping the hell out of each other, it's probably the data you need.

Apparently she got Dana White, the league's owner's attention and is working as an assistant coach for Team Wolverine, where she shares her strength training and strking skills to the next generation.

She is more than just a slapper, but also a reality TV star, a body builder and she says that every day of her life she's living as a pro athlete.

A pro athlete with a new fake butt that is going viral!

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