Ski Legend Lindsey Vonn Places 4th and 6th after Coming Out of Retirement!

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Tex Hollywood - January 13, 2025

Lindsey Vonn slipped into her racy, skin tight, ski leotard this past weekend because she has come out of retirement at 40 years old.

She spent the last few years getting surgeries, which for all we know made her bionic, allowing her to cheat from the technology surgically implanted into her legs, like an undetectable performance enhancement drug.

She is 40 years old and despite 40 year olds having muscle memory and legacy strength from decades of training, they are still old.

That's not stopping Vonn, who decided she had it in her to rejoin the World Cup tour all these years later.

She posted a time of 1:06.66 at the event in St Anton to mark her return to competition.

It was her first time behind the gate at this level in the sport.

She posted:

Pushing out of the starting gate of my first Downhill race in 6 years tomorrow… it’s been 18 years since I won here last… crazy how time flies.

But with so many friends struggling back in Los Angeles with their homes burnt to the ground, it’s honestly been hard to stay focused. My home was in the evacuation zone and even just the thought of losing it was emotional. I can only imagine what it must feel like for the people who lost everything.

It’s another example to appreciate what you have. No matter how bad your day is, someone always has it worse. I am beyond grateful to be here and I will do my best to make it mean something!

As it turns out, she did make it mean something. She made it to the bottom, which in and of itself is a feat of champions of the most elite level. She also placed 4th and 6th in her two events.

That means she's in the top 10 at 40, competing against the new generation of robot humans.

Which means, she has what it takes to place first once her confidence lands!

It's pretty inspiring stuff!

Here's her run:

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