Tennis Star Arina Rodionova Goes Viral for OnlyFans Divorce!

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Tex Hollywood - January 28, 2025

Ty Vikery and Arina Rodionova have called it quits after 9 years of marriage. Ty Vikery is a retired soccer star of Richmond and Hawthorn and Arina Rodionova is a professional tennis player who reached the second round of qualifying at the Australian open a few weeks ago.

The duo seem to have released a joint video making the announcement, because we assume people care, or they wanted people to hear fromt hem directly.

Arina Rodionova says that the couple has been split up for over a year, but she also recently launched an OnlyFans to help subsidize her existence, since OnlyFans pays big money to the right kind of hustler.

The timing has inspired the media to run with the split being a cause of the divorce and not a product.

Vickery said that they were on good terms despite the split, wishing each other the best.

Arina Rodionova is 35 years old, which is a reminder that you're never too old to sell exclusive sensual content to your fans on an exclusive platform because it gets you off or gets you money, or both!

She has already teased that she'll be using it to post her bikini pictures, but we know how that goes. It always stars with the bikini pics meant for Instagram, but that can be monetized, and turns into far more aggressive stuff. Once you bite that OF bullet and sign that OF contract in blood, things can get crazy.

You can check her out on INSTAGRAM because posting racy content is addictive.

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  • Bando says:

    Dude’s not a soccer player, he plays aerial ping-pong.

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