Jose Canseco Speaks to Aliens!

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Tex Hollywood - July 18, 2023

Jose Canseco, the Cuban born roided up notable Oakland A's legend who was one of the biggest names in baseball in the 90s has recently tweeted some funny content about aliens, no not other Cubans coming to America illegally for the American Dream, but actual Aliens.

I am sure his alien tweets are not just him making a joke, or being weird for the sake of a troll, but actually what he thinks he experienced because the internet is the most serious place where people share only serious things and if they clown around, they find out.

His first tweet was:

"I met an alien ghost that asked me for chocolate and hamburgers"

His second tweet was:

"Some aliens visited me and told me where I can find a family of bigfoot they want to adopt me"

Wouldn't it be a family of bigfeet?

More importantly, Jose Canseco is the father of hot instagram model Josie Canseco so here are some of her pics:

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