The Tom Brady Ring Fraud!

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Tex Hollywood - August 30, 2022

Yesterday, a New Jersey man was sentenced to three years in jail for posing as a Patriots player to buy Super Bowl Rings as gifts for Tom Brady's family!

Scott Spina had the name Brady engraved on the rings to increase their value when he sold them, which he ended up pulling off once before getting caught, ad the ring sold for $300k!

I don't know if it was the greed that brought him down, if you pull off a heist of that caliber once, especially if it is easy and seamless, it's impossible to not go back and try it again!

The fans are calling it "Ring Fraud", wondering how one poses as a Player, maybe it is with a gmail account in the person's name, because people don't realize how inefficient or easy to dupe people can be!

The real question is what player did he pretend to be, was it Brady himself and the person on the inside was just too star struck to ask for ID? Who knows, but it's a pretty weird story and apparently, wasn't his first time getting a ring and flipping it, but it didn't have the Brady imprint, so it only went for $63k!

Tom Brady, always involved in the scandals!

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